Building Economy
42 Appalachian Regional Commission or Delta Regional Authority Grant Applications submitted.
Projects totaling $53,806,267 and benefitting 675,367 Tennesseans.
155 Small Business Loans made totaling $15,283,626 and creating and/or retaining 673 jobs.
42 Fast Track, Site Development and/or U.S. EDA Applications submitted & funded totaling $54,292,486.
Aging Supports
5,441 Tennesseans were enrolled in the Statewide Home & Community Based Services Medicaid Waiver Program saving $318,000,000.
1,398,434 Home Delivered Meals serving 9,669 Tennesseans.
367,302 Meals served at Nutrition Sites serving 7,033 Tennesseans.
Building Community
95 Community Development Block Grant Projects underway totaling $48,500,000.
29 TDEC ARP Applications & Projects totaling $101,000,000.
15 Local Parks & Recreation Grant Projects underway totaling $15,300,000.
Building Workforce
Fiscally managing $6,010,885 of Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) funding.
Operation of 12 American Job Centers serving 32,361 unique customers.
Hosting of 50 job fairs serving communities throughout Tennessee.
Individuals Served by Core WIOA Programs: 1,449 Adults/Dislocated Workers, 209 Youth, 670 through Adult Education, and 16,459 by Wagner-Peyser Act.
Building Infrastructure
16 TDOT Multimodal Projects underway totaling $13,018,851.
315 local governments and utility districts, 82 school districts and 2,614 transportation projects surveyed for infrastructure needs.
21 Tennessee Housing Development Agency and Community Development Block Grant Rehab Projects underway.